Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Upcoming Blog Tour & Other News

It's been a while since I've posted anything but there's a lot that has been going on in the past month.
First off, I'm going on vacation the first week of March so the most I'll be doing is probably posting vacation pictures and such on Facebook & Twitter, just FYI. 

But before I go on vacation I am going to have a blog tour for a week. Starting on February 23rd and ending on March 2nd. I will post links and such on here so everyone can check it out. Plus there will be a free book promo for Kindle and a paperback giveaway. Check out my website for more info!

Also, I am trying to finish editing for Bloodthirst: Dark Night Volume 2 but again, everything has been hectic and it threw off my original schedule. There will be updates on that as soon as it is completed.

I'm currently working on several projects that I'm excited about! Stay tuned by following me on Twitter, Facebook or even message me, I will write back!

PS.- Ready for Florida vacation! ;)      -S.R.

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